Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Robert Frost
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
P 775
It sounds to me a story of man at work that decided to stop and watch the snow fall in the woods because of how pretty it must look, but he keeps on going after a while because he still has things to do and jobs to complete before he can rest and go to sleep.
From reading this I think the woods are property of someone who lives in town, but since He isn't around the guy/or girl decides to admire the woods. I suppose he/she was taking a rest from traveling a long distance and still has more traveling to do. The place he/she has to get to must have significant importance - a promise he/she made to arrive.
I've always liked this poem. I think it is a reflection of a man who is travelling. He could choose to simply ride through the woods to get to his destination. Instead, he chooses to stop and admire the nature and wonder around him. Kind of like stopping to smell the roses. We should all slow down and look at the simple things in life that surround us.
While I was being forced to read this poem, over and over again in high school, I found it to be something I can relate to.
Winter was always my favorite time of the year, so it started off on a positive note. Added to the fact that I am very easily distracted by visually stimulating surroundings, it was almost written for me. I would find myself stopping at random times, just to slow down and appreciate my surroundings.
In high school, I found myself doing this a lot while snowboarding with family in West Virginia. Reading this poem always reminded me of this because it was a recent activity during these times. I would find myself stopping at the beginning of my run down the mountain, just to sit and watch. I would see how far I could see. I would watch my cousins make their way down the mountain. I would take the time to notice my surroundings. While I wasn't in the middle of errands, or feeling like I had promises that had to be kept, I did feel like I couldn't wait too long because my cousins were waiting at the bottom for me. I still wish I had the time to just sit and watch the snow fall or find a high point and see how far I can see.
This poem describes exactly what I do when I walk around outside I really appreciate what is around me. On the weekends I like to take some time out to walk around without anything else on my mind, such as work or school. It's really a stress reliever for me. I think everyone should do that because people are always in a rush and don't realize what is actually surrounding them.
- 705
The descriptions that the author gives in this poem paints a picture in my mind thatthere is a man on horseback ridin along a dark back country road. The author makes it sound like the man enjoys the scenery and nature that surrounds him, but it is getting too late for him to sit around and enjoy it any longer. He has to get home before the weather gets any colder.
The descriptions that the author gives in this poem paints a picture in my mind thatthere is a man on horseback ridin along a dark back country road. The author makes it sound like the man enjoys the scenery and nature that surrounds him, but it is getting too late for him to sit around and enjoy it any longer. He has to get home before the weather gets any colder.
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In my opinion this is the place where this man finds his peace. He looks on in a state of awe. You can tell he recieves great enjoyment over something so pricely. Its nice to enjoy the little thigs in life.
My opinion of the poem is that I think the character in the poem is on a mission,dont know where to,but as he approaches the woods he stops to look and enjoy how beautiful nature is, he wants to stay and enjoy the scenary but his there is no place to keep warm.
I love this poem. It is simple and very beautiful. The man stops what he is doing because he is taken over by how pretty the woods look covered in snow. He takes all parts of nature in to account, even acknowledging that his horse must think it is odd that he has stopped with no one else around. At the end you feel his regret that he cant stay and take it all in longer bc he is either too busy or too far from home when he repeats the phrase....miles to go before i sleep.
I can relate to the feelings expressed in this poems. For one the author is trying to find peace but has to much on his plate...he is having an eternal battle with himself on whether to run free or stick to his responsibilities...
I assume that the poem was written during a different time than this. When the world moved a little bit slower and there was more room for all of us. I remember when it used to be this way. I grew up on Long Island, a place that used to be all ranches and potato farms. The winters were colder then and it used to snow much more than it does now. And when I would go out to play and explore I would have just these sorts of moments. Those moments where, even though your cold and tired and you nose drips and face burns so cold you cant take it, something catches you. It is the majesty of nature, the awe of the world with all of its beauty. As I grew so did Long Island. Now it doesn't really snow in the winter and the days aren't that cold, and everywhere you look is either a highway or a strip-mall.
This poem is very calming to me. I feel that stopping to enjoy the quietness alone is something to be cherished. Knowing this man has miles to go is just a sign that it cant last forever, he must continue. Its almost so quiet he needs to create sounds to feel his presence in the space. It represents the feeling that winter can have on your soul. Calm and quiet. 721
it seem as though the author is trying to make a point.He refuse to stop because he has a destination to get to. Nothing will stop him not even mother nature can get in the way.He has a promise to keep.
702- It remind me of a morning when it was swoning the night before and it easy wind and downy flake.(i like that) but it do seem like he/she is resting from a long day or night.Watching the snow fall .
I really like this poem because I can relate to it. I grew up in the middle of nowhere and I would always go for drives just to enjoy nature, much like the person in this poem.
The descriptions in this poem bring me back to childhood. I grew up in Canada and we lived in the middle of nowhere. With two older brothers, we were always off exploring, usually on someone else's land. Of course, our only promise was that we had to be home for dinner, but that was definitely a promise we would keep. -727
Frost takes a venture into the woods on a dark evening. He says the man that owns the land lives away in the village, so Frost can enjoy the snow covered trees all by his lonesome. There must be something about being one with nature as the nature elements are acting upon the earth. Unfortunately his horse does not feel the same, for he is confused as to why they have stopped in a spot that's not so fitting. It also sounds like he has been traveling and working strenuously and the quality time spent admiring the earth itself has given him a fresh breath of life.
It sounds like a very peaceful place to be. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I would go into the forest to go sledding. It was dusk and it was so quiet, there wasn't a single sound. I was on top of a very steep hill surrounded by trees except for the open field behind me. I then saw a herd of deer running through the trees beside me. They didn't see me. I knelt down and watched as they ran out of the forest and through the field. It was such a beautiful moment. -119
Many times, like many others, I carry on with my day rushing around either from work, school, grocery shopping, or doing laundry, and don't pay too much attention to what's going on and what's around me. Every once in a while I take some time to just sit and take notice of my surroundings. I people watch and just notice what is going on around the city, realizing that even though I've been here for two years now, it still is foreign to me. Just looking at the buildings around me gives me realization, and that's what I feel he is going through in a way. He is always busy with the hussle and bussle of life and actually took a moment to take in life and nature. 107
This is a very strikingly beautiful short poem. I love Robert Frost, definitely one of my favorites. The meaning of this poem comes off to me as a troubled man stopping to take in the beauties of life as its moving around him. His minds so full that the overwhelming beauty of an empty field filling with soft snow stuns him. Very nice piece of work. -101
i liked this poem. i tihnk it was about a man admiring more than jus the scenery. yes, he is stoping from his busy work filled life to achnowledge the nature and gorgeous snow filled woods, but i think knowing a man owned this land is a way to push him through the bad whether and earn money. sleepless nights and a lot of cold travelings is a sacrifice to be able to live comfortable and have fortune and i think his horse reminding him to move forth and seeing the wealth of this man in the forest is a way to push him. -113
A classic composition in descriptive poetry. I love the imagery that i get when reading throughout all of this. Even with the photograph of the snow and trees above that i know is not related to the poem, it still helps build this world that lives in these words. The idea of traveling horse back is not what ive ever done. But i can relate in a more modern way. The idea of traveling in a van cross country, and the only place for you to stop is the side of the road, or a small strip of land of the side of a highway. Even with all the positive thought ive had, i want to know a bit more about the journey. Its not important or needed but i almost feel a bit let down.
This is a nice poem, the man and his horse out in the snow; the man stops to enjoy the moment, and the horse wonders what the heck is going on. It gives me the feeling that the man can appreciate the present and his surroundings, but also has a sense of priority in his life.
I Love this poem! I had to memorize it in 6th grade and recite it in front of my class. I had to memorize several that year and this is the only one that i still remember all the words too 9 years later. I've always enjoyed the way it flows like a song. Its one of the few which when it ends I still want it to keep going. 014
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