Robert Bly
Driving to Town Late to Mail a Letter
It is a cold and snowy night. The main street is deserted.
The only things moving are swirls of snow.
As I lift the mailbox door, I feel its cold iron.
There is a privacy I love in this snowy night.
Driving around, I will waste more time.
p. 513
707-this poem is very different...i never knew that something could be so simple...in the poem i believe the narrator is trying to guide the reader on a simple journey. The narrator is trying to have the reader feel what he felt as he delievered a simple letter. he states how the night is cold and he is the only one in the area, he is trying to visually show the reader where he is and what is going on.
It's quite simplistic in its entirety but it gets the point across. I get the feeling of the cold on my skin and feeling the cold metal on my hand opening the mailbox. I also understand his enjoyment of being alone and wanting to stay there more, because of the beauty noticed in the emptiness of the town and deciding to drive around and "waste" more time.
716- I absolutely love this poem! i love the way the writer paints a picture in the readers head of this snowy, deserted night and, turns some thing most people would find as an annoyance to a sort of sanctuary and a calming place that you wouldn't mind simply spending more time in the quiet, relaxing outdoors. i also enjoyed reading this poem because it reminds me of the winters i spend at home with my family in the Poconos. i think its amazing how in a simple few lines the poet sends his image across loud and clear. i think this is a very bold, different, and relaxing poem.
This poem reminds me of my home in the Poconos. When it snowed alot when I was younger I would always love to play outside in the snow only at night. To this day I like to walk around at night in the snow. Something about it is just peaceful to me. I would do the same when living in New York but it doesn't give the same effect it does in the country. As I read the poem and looked at the photo that goes with it, it makes me somewhat homesick.
THe writer is enjoying the peace from the cold quiet roads of the winter. The narrator was only mailing a letter, he describe the cold iron freezing his hands but for some reason he loved it.
This poem is very similar to "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. Both travelers stop to actually look at nature when there is a blanket of snow covering everything. It's okay to slow down sometimes and this poem says just that.
- 705
while reading this poem i could actually feel the appreciation this person has for the solitude of the moment i can really relate to this person the only difference is i have a tendency to actully walk in the rain at the park i feel at ease with myself and i am kind of fond of the smell of rain it tends to help me focus on my problems and put my mind at ease i also find the patter of raindrops at night to help me sleep 718
My opinion of this poem is that the character only had plans to come out of the house to drop mail off in the mail box but they realized how beautiful nature was and being that the streets were empty and they had a clear schedule for that day he could take a lovely destination checking out the scenary with no disturbance.
#702- This poem is very different from the other's but Absolutely, on my level and it remind me of the cold dark South in the winter.When we live nowhere near the city. when my Mother want too mail her packages at nite. by lookin at this picture it really Make me home sick in a good way...
Cold and Relaxing
I believe the narrator is showing us his life and telling us to how he appreciates the time when there are no cars on the road (traffic) but quiet and solitude on his ride to just drop off a letter. It says to me that he really enjoys this time and though the night is cold he can appreciate it. We as humans do not actually take the time to appreciate the little times (alone) in life.
I can agree with this poem because it is something about snowy weather that makes people want to stay inside. i also enjoy the privacy of it because it gives you the chance to gather your thought without the hassle of every day crowds.
Anonymous said...
I can agree with this poem because it is something about snowy weather that makes people want to stay inside. i also enjoy the privacy of it because it gives you the chance to gather your thought without the hassle of every day crowds. 713
this poems symbolizes the closing of a chapter within the quiet of his/her mind, and isn't ready to return home...
in a sense "clearing the mind of useless thoughts"
I love the simplicity of this poem. Its right to the point with an obvious feeling embedded within the words. Sometimes the deserted feeling on the roads is something to be desired in the winter months as you are able to take in the sights and feel the cold air as you drive endlessly. Privacy is something that the season of winter represents. 721
I like this poem, it's very simple. It reminds me of when I lived in the Poconos and all the snow that there was. It would snow so bad, yet it would be peaceful. Outside of my window I could see the mountain of snow and lights from the skii resort just a walking distance from my home. Waking up in the morning would be amazing. Stepping outside the door seeing how all that crisp, fluffy snow blinded me to the point I needed to wear sunglasses. In this poem the last two lines explain how snow creates privacy and makes her want to drive around and waste time. Snow does do that to you. All you want to do is relax and take in all the quiet. I would like to sit in front of the warm fireplace after having to shovel that snow, and warm myself with some hot cocoa as well. This poem makes me miss the snow a little. It's way different here in Philadelphia. I think since I've been here I've seen two winters and only two snow falls that only stuck for only a short moment. If it snowed any other time it never stuck because I didn't see it. I wish everyone here could experience an snow filled winter just once. I remember last winter we had classes canceled for one day due to the snow and I thought, why do we have off? It's not even two inches of snow, let alone a foot.107
I love poetry that is about people enjoying the beauty of nature. Maybe its because I don't get the chance to do so myself often. This poem strikes me particularly because there has often been times were I make detours on my way home for the sole purpose of enjoying some alone time to think.
i can really relate to this poem. i also feel very free when there is no one else around. dont get me wrong i love socializing but sometime being alone in the nature just makes me feel so free and great, this poem reminds me of camping with my parents, and taking a walk alone in the woods..105
this poem is so simple and elegant and has so much detail in such little space. it is incredible how much can be said with so few words. I can't even stop writing about this in less words than the poem was. The way they describe things is just like a story. And the way they end it you can finish it yourself.
This poem is cool. I understand where he's coming from. No one is out, it's dark, and cold. The streets are deserted because it's so cold. He can enjoy an outing in the winter by himself. He can lose himself in his own thoughts because it's so peaceful. That is why he will waste more time by daydreaming. #114
I like this poem; the author gives a feeling that he is enjoying his time alone, just observing nature and the snow. From the way he is talking it seems like the main street is usually crowded and he might like it better in its present state. I can relate to this living in the city because sometimes with all of the people around all the time, its nice when you find some time to be alone.
I completely relate to this authors point of view. there is nothing like driving around wasing time and it is even more enjoyable with a fresh coat of snow on the ground (so long as you are being careful driving) I come from north eastern pa and our winters are beautiful. this poem makes me want to be home rather than in the city when it snows. I didnt realize how much I missed Winters in NEPA until now. this poem defiantly had a warm and fuzzy sort of impact on me.
I really like and can relate to this Poem. My Favorite time of year is winter. When the snow falls a pure white with tree covered in snow, all around you. I feel that this poem is short and sweet. It gives you great painted images in your head. 003
109: This poem is very simple and short but still delivers a visual message to me. It reminded me of a few moments from my life. One thing I love to do is drive around in the snow. It makes driving that much more interesting and daring. When the roads are fully covered with snow, any lane can be yours. The part in the poem about the cold iron making a particular sound when opening because of the cold reminds me of the mailbox at my house, which is iron and only makes a noise when it is cold outside. I enjoyed this poem because it brought me back to fond memories of winter and it was short and right to the point.
This poem was not only to the point. Snow cleans the air, and a perfect time to be in it when it falls.
A quiet drive on a lonely road, observing the snow capped trees, the rocks covered in snow,almost resembling anything you want it to be. The curve-shaped road cleared for passage, yet, still clear and clean.
This picture reminded me of my early morning rides on the road; alone, to think and abserve the scenes. 121
This poem is very short and visual. The aurthor brings you in to the poem by having you visualize the outside snow with the coldness of the mailbox. Reading this poem reminds me of the cold winter we just endured as I went out to check my mailbox. I can strongly relate to this poem. ACBR
114 -pct- There are fleeting moments when you are truly alone in this world. You are either surrounded by a relationship, your family or children. You get to exist in your own world in these moments when you can walk away from a busy world and let your imagination take over or just reflect.
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